Showing posts with label thoughts of Buddha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts of Buddha. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Never expect Knowledge and growth
to come to you rapidly,
                                             - Buddha

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The virtues like 
the muses,
are always seen in 
the groups.
A good principle was 
never found  Lacking 
its companions or 
in any best...
                         - Buddha

From your Heart

Nothing will happen
when you look at sky 
and praying to god
for something to happen...
It will happen
when your heart and soul
ask you to go for it...
try for it...
The way is not in the sky
The way is in the heart..

                                        - Buddha

Be Bold

Everything in this world reaches
its extreme only when
it gets rid of the fear...
never fear what will
become of you
depend on no one
only the moment reject all
help are you feed...
                              - Buddha

Thoughts to godliness

Wise people manipulate 
good people towards
with their thoughts,
like separating 
good grains
through a sieve...
                          - Buddha


In life
most Human beings 
do this mistake..
He decides to go 
along a path but
he makes the mistake
of not going all the way,
and not starting..

Good & Evil

without darkness
Light cannot prove its brightness...
same way
Their has to be evil
so that good can prove 
its purity above it...
                                - Buddha

Habit of doubt

habit of doubt
is a dangerous enemy,
It separates people,
its like a catalyst that 
initialize the disintegration of
friendship and love,
it results in break up of
pleasant relations ,
its like a thorn that 
creates pain....
its a cancer that kills 
our heart and mind...


To keep your mind 
fit and clear...
its important to keep
your body fit...
Because body is
the temple, in which
your Soul of mind lives..
                                - Buddha


people who are free on 
bitter thoughts
surely find peace..
                            - Buddha


Thousands of candles 
can be lighted from a
single candle
and the life of candle 
cannot be shortened...
similar way
your happiness may bring
happiness to thousand lives..
it never decreases by 
being shared..
                              - Buddha

Being idle or Diligent

to be idle or
Not in action or at work
is a short road to death
and to be diligent 
Quietly and steadily continuing a task 
despite any difficulties
is a way of life
foolish people are idle,
and wise people are diligent
                                               - Buddha

Path to wisdom

To bring true happiness
to his heart and surroundings 
and body,
and also to bring peace to all
one must first discipline and 
control one's own
mind.if a man control his mind
he can find the enlightenment
and all wisdom and 
all virtue will
naturally come to him..
                                           - Buddha


To lead a perfect 
selfish life
one must do nothing 
but one's own in 
the midst of abundance


Unity can be only 
demonstrated by the Binary...
i.e By the separated two..
Unity itself and 
the idea of Unity are
already two...


The quality of doing 
what is right and 
avoiding what is wrong 
is persecuted more
by the wicked than
its loved by the good..

Human Thoughts

Every human is 
shaped by his thoughts...
if he wants to be good he
will become...
similar way bad...
we became what we think
when the mind is pure
joy follows like a shadow
that never leaves
                            - Buddha

Journey of life

How a person behaves
when he is always thinking
about his surroundings,

why every human being is 
clinging to his piece of debris?
(The remains of something that has been
destroyed or broken up)

why everyone trying to 
reach some kind of
honor or courteous 
recognition of other people 
as they  pass each other
in this journey of life.?

everything for.???
                                      - Buddha

You make the world

you are what you think,
All that you arise...
with your own thoughts,
you make the world..

Power of speech

Every word comes out of 
our mouth should be
chosen with care of people
hearing them,
people hearing them
are influenced by the
for good or ill...
                         - Buddha